Elgas continues to be a proud Preferred LPG Supplier to Victorian Caravan Parks Association members, with a solid history spanning over multiple decades. Elgas’ commitment to providing safe and cost-effective LPG to Vic Parks members has always remained a top priority. LPG safety is an important aspect of Park management and proudly supported and maintained by Elgas.
Elgas ensures your park meets Australian LPG regulations and has a consistent supply of LPG, checking on properly secured LPG cylinders. Conducting ongoing observations of LPG installations while walking through your park, Elgas staff provide Park management with information to ensure that each location has LPG cylinders to the correct size required and installed to be safe and compliant. The supply of LPG by Elgas remains extremely cost effective with cylinders available in various sizes depending on the application.
Other options available from Elgas to Vic Parks members include offers when switching hot water systems from electricity to LPG and various appliance deals to taken advantage of when upgrading/maintaining sites.
Contact your Account Manager at Elgas on 131 161 for further information relating to safety, LPG supply or storage at your park.
A: 331-347 Police Road Mulgrave Vic 3170
M: 0466 148 783
E: [email protected]